Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New competition photos

Made a couple more competition photos that I thought I'd share while there's some downtime between poses being released! I do have the next 2 packs ready for release when we release the next issue of Sensation Magazine, but for now, take a look at some photos!

These are for Le Raunche Cyle Deux

This one was supposed to be "Fall in July" so I had to have her looking like she was prepared for Fall, but the setting had to resemble Summer. I like how it turned out even though I had a major game meltdown and had to use a skin that I didn't like until I found my original skin!

 This is the latest assignment where I had to make a Jeans advertisement. We could use real jean companies or make up our own, so I made up my own - KAS. The Jeans are by Saliwa though. As you can see, I got my original skin back (Ephimera) and I love it so much more!!

This photo is for PINK Cycle 3

I had to do a Male Cologne ad where my model kind of looks masculine. I didn't like it too much because, as with the first Le Raunche photo, I didn't have my original skin so Natalie turned out orangier than I wanted!

This photo is for Perfect Shot Cycle 4

I was to make a Vintage photo with vintage clothing and effects. I REALLY loved how it turned out!