Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beech's Pinup Pose Pack

Here's a pack of 15 pinup poses created for a competition I am running called Hot or Not. They are also available to anyone else to use!


  1. Thank you so much, these are fab! I shall have fun modelling my simmie tonight hehe

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I know these are player compatible, but do you have by chance the pose list for these to type in? If not it's no big deal :D Thank you again for these!

  3. Yes I do hehe I had to search for the list :) thank you for your kind words, here are the type in codes:

    a_beech_pinupz1, 2, 3, 4, 5....and so on, I believe #6 is the one that I accidentally did a typo for and instead it's: a_beech_punupz6

    If it's not #6 and you get to a pose that won't work with the pinupz typing just change it to punupz and it will work!

  4. Awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Keep up the amazing work! Looking forward to what else you have in store :)
