Saturday, April 13, 2013

Back from Hiatus

Hey everyone!

I know I'v been pretty much MIA for MONTHS and I apologize for all of that. I was going through some difficult pregnancy sickness, trying to get my teaching license, and preparing for my husband to leave for the Air Force. 

Well, now that I've given birth to a beautiful baby girl (that makes 2 now), got my substitute teaching license, and my husband has been gone for almost 2 weeks to basic training, I've decided to come back!

I will start by posting the latest 3 issues of Sensation (I really shouldn't have been slacking on that) and I will begin making poses again. I will hopefully have a pack up this evening.

Also, check out my new Tumblr page! I'm new to Tumblr, so I have to kind of figure it out still and remember to update it!

Sensation Issue 22 - February 2013

Sensation Issue 23 - March 2013

Sensation Issue 24 - April 2013

Click each cover to read it :)


  1. Hi Beech! First of all congratulations on your daughter! Second, my thoughts are with you while your husband is away for training, I hope you have someone you can call on for help raising two children on your own. I know first hand how taxing it can get and stressful being the only one raising young ones. Best of luck to you and your family. **HUGS**

    1. Thank you Mamajanaynay. You are very sweet. I am very blessed to have two wonderful little ones and it's not always easy without my husband, but I'm doing okay. My parents are with me and have been a huge help. I miss him every day and it doesn bring tears to my eyes on occasion to think about him being gone, but I'm surviving. It's very kind of you to stop by and say something, thank you! <3
